Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept. 11 and more

Today is 9/11. Obviously a day that we will NEVER forget. (If you have forgotten about what happened on this day 11 years ago, shame on you and do some research. If you're too lazy to do that, jump off a bridge. Harsh, I know.)

I was a senior in high school when this happened. The school district I went to school in had these stupid things called half days and that's what that day was. I had a doctor's appointment that morning and because the day was a half day, I was staying home from school then going to work that afternoon.

Wow, I thought I was going to blog about this when I got here tonight, but now, I don't feel like it. Long story short, I remember what I was doing and where I was when these HORRIBLE events happened and my daughter will know about it. I don't care that people have stopped showing the video from this day on TV because they are "too graphic." Piss off, you bunch of babies. We NEED to see this to remember what happened and why America changed.

Never forget

To me the skyline of Manhattan will never be the same........

On to things that make me happy.....saving money and free stuff. I'M GETTING FREE NAIL POLISH THIS WEEK!!! BOOYAH!!!!! How?

Thanks to the $1/1 coupon for Wet 'n Wild nail polish that was in the Sunday paper, all I have to pay is a teeny weeny bit of tax, and nail polish is MINE!!!! Exciting!!! I'm doing a little happy dance over here!!!!

I was going to get new eye shadow over at CVS this week for the ECB offer they have for Almay products. I still might do it, but I'm not sure if I can pass up using my $2/1 Almay product coupon to get my favorite eye shadow for $2.97 at Walmart.

I mean, the ECBs are nice and I plan on using some of the ones that I will be earning to help me get more make up. (Oh, I just remembered I have a $5 Beauty Club Reward too. Maybe I will buy this at CVS....)

I think I might be able to get me some Carmex, but I have to double check my coupon and see which product they have in the $.98 bin.

In case some haven't heard, Walgreens is changing up their reward program. I'm all signed up for it and I'm planning my first purchase with this program.

Updated my app and I'm ready to earn my points!
Yup, that's the screen shot that I took from my phone today. Super excited about this too. Woot woot! I should be saving some good money there soon too.

I'm going to try my hand at shopping at Kroger coming up soon. I think it might be worth the 30 minute drive. *Fingers crossed*

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