Thursday, September 20, 2012

I can't think of a title....

Yeah, I'm not going to talk about couponing in this post. Shocker right? LOL

Well, I have to go to Florida. I'm going to visit my granddad who may or may not make it to 2013. Yeah, it will be nice to go see my dad and hopefully a couple of friends of mine, but it's mainly to see him. I've done some crying over it, but there's nothing I can do. He's 91, and I'm almost positive that it's not just his kidneys that are failing him. I believe that he's dying of a broken heart because he lost his wife last year.

Miss Bug is going with me so she can see her Papa Jack (my granddad) and her granddad (my dad). I'm looking forward to the trip because of that.

I painted my nails tonight just because I could. It's one of the few girly things I've done for myself lately. Buying make-up and actually wearing it is another thing I've done too. :)

In order to help supplement my income, I have been considering selling Avon, Scentsy, adding coupons to this page (oops, I mentioned them), just something. We have enough, but at times I still feel like it's not enough. I guess I feel that way because my hours are so damned crazy at work, even though my department manager gets me more hours than I had been scheduled for. (Some weeks, I don't get that many hours.)

Miss Bug is really getting into what I like to call "big girl food," meaning jarred baby food and some food off my plate when we go somewhere to eat. Good thing is, she LOVES it. Today for breakfast, she had oatmeal, some peaches (she's not too sure about those), and a small amount of formula. She ate all of her oatmeal! She also had some sweet potatoes and a banana/strawberry mix. We went and ate at a Mexican restaurant in town and had some refried beans and rice off my plate. There was some guacamole on there too, so I let her try it. She loved it all. My little girl is such a good eater, and that makes me happy. I just hope she doesn't become one of those picky eaters when she's older......

I think tomorrow morning I'm going to mix some of her fruit in her oatmeal to make sure she eats it. (Peaches  here we come!)

I decided today as I was leaving work that I would inventory all of her food. Done. Now I just have to organize it the way that I want to and put that inventory in my coupon notebook so I have it when I go shopping.

Well, I guess I need to get back to looking for plane tickets or organize the baby food inventory or something. I am fresh out of ideas to talk about here..........

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Free Dawn dish soap at CVS??????

Hells yeah!!!! Totally shocked me too.

See, my little Miss Bug needed Children's Benadryl, so I took the opportunity to go stock up. I got one bottle at Wags today and a couple of other things to start building my Balance rewards. I saw that CVS had a pretty good deal on it as well, so I went there too. ($2 ECBs? Yeah, I'll take those!)

I had $5.67 in ECBs from my last trip, so on top of the (2) $1/1 coupons I had, it brought my total down to $2.18 with tax. Of course the $2 ECBs technically made it free, so I suppose I got those free as well.

I also got $1 ECB from the Green Bag tag program. Guess what ECB paid for my Dawn dish soap that was on sale for $.99? Yup....the one from the Green Bag tag. The total was $1.09, so I reached in my purse to pay for the tax. Hey, I thought I had to. My cashier told me that I didn't need to pay for the tax. "It's free!" she said, loaded everything in my bag and got out of there. LOL

TA DA!!!

I feel like throwing a tantrum

Yup......really disappointed with the coupon inserts today. Now, I know that coupons are regional and stuff, but usually my area gets diaper coupons. Did I get any in the inserts from the Cullman Times? NO. Not one.

Now, I know that this might be a little dramatic and all, but I really don't care. I have a diaper stockpile that I want to make absolutely glorious and I can't do that now because the inserts I got SUCK.

There was a gum coupon that I wanted. Did I get that? NO. No free gum for me again this time unless I order them from, which is a HUGE possibility this week.

That would be great if Red Plum and Smart Source put out every coupon that I see on That way, I wouldn't be having a fit over not getting coupons that I spent all weekend looking forward to.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fun Stuff!!!!

Hubby needed a wrist splint this morning so I got up about 6:15 and got going. I also picked up my FREE nail polish and a few other things. I love remembering I have a BOGO free coupon for something that I want too.

There are my 4 free nail polishes, my BOGO gum packs, my $2.97 eye shadow and my $.22 multi-grain Pringles.

Coupons used:

  • (1) $.75/1 Multi-grain Pringles (also price matched these to Kroger's price of $.97, down from $1.50)
  • (2) BOGO iD Gum, up to 1.28
  • (1) $2/1 Almay product
  • (4) $1/1 Wet 'n Wild nail polish
Total spent: $5.47 (price not including my associate discount and tax).

I got some "big girl" snack stuff for Miss Bug but that was a different trip. Yay Walmart!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept. 11 and more

Today is 9/11. Obviously a day that we will NEVER forget. (If you have forgotten about what happened on this day 11 years ago, shame on you and do some research. If you're too lazy to do that, jump off a bridge. Harsh, I know.)

I was a senior in high school when this happened. The school district I went to school in had these stupid things called half days and that's what that day was. I had a doctor's appointment that morning and because the day was a half day, I was staying home from school then going to work that afternoon.

Wow, I thought I was going to blog about this when I got here tonight, but now, I don't feel like it. Long story short, I remember what I was doing and where I was when these HORRIBLE events happened and my daughter will know about it. I don't care that people have stopped showing the video from this day on TV because they are "too graphic." Piss off, you bunch of babies. We NEED to see this to remember what happened and why America changed.

Never forget

To me the skyline of Manhattan will never be the same........

On to things that make me happy.....saving money and free stuff. I'M GETTING FREE NAIL POLISH THIS WEEK!!! BOOYAH!!!!! How?

Thanks to the $1/1 coupon for Wet 'n Wild nail polish that was in the Sunday paper, all I have to pay is a teeny weeny bit of tax, and nail polish is MINE!!!! Exciting!!! I'm doing a little happy dance over here!!!!

I was going to get new eye shadow over at CVS this week for the ECB offer they have for Almay products. I still might do it, but I'm not sure if I can pass up using my $2/1 Almay product coupon to get my favorite eye shadow for $2.97 at Walmart.

I mean, the ECBs are nice and I plan on using some of the ones that I will be earning to help me get more make up. (Oh, I just remembered I have a $5 Beauty Club Reward too. Maybe I will buy this at CVS....)

I think I might be able to get me some Carmex, but I have to double check my coupon and see which product they have in the $.98 bin.

In case some haven't heard, Walgreens is changing up their reward program. I'm all signed up for it and I'm planning my first purchase with this program.

Updated my app and I'm ready to earn my points!
Yup, that's the screen shot that I took from my phone today. Super excited about this too. Woot woot! I should be saving some good money there soon too.

I'm going to try my hand at shopping at Kroger coming up soon. I think it might be worth the 30 minute drive. *Fingers crossed*

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wags rewards card and other news

Yeah, that's what I said to myself this morning when I looked at, but then promptly started putting my purchases for that week together after signing up for the program.

Walgreens is calling it Balance Rewards, and you earn points to get money off your purchases. I'm guessing they are doing away with the Register Rewards catalinas. I've never bought anything that gave me the catalina coupons, so I guess I'm not worried about that. I will, however, be participating in this. It seems a LOT like the CVS ExtraCare Bucks that I love so much.,,,,
In other news, I'm finally getting a washer and dryer in the apartment. I'm hoping it gets here today because I would LOVE to wash some clothes for work before I go in today. If not, the pair will be here tomorrow and I can get caught up on my laundry then. Squee!!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

So.....we meet again......

Blogger was being weird for me yesterday. I don't know why, but now it's working for me! Woot!

Latest couponing trip: WALMART. Yup, where I work.

What did I get? Bic pens and pencils.

How much did I spend? $1.45


  • Price matched the pens at the Kmart sale price of $.75. Bought four 10 packs of the Cristal pens.
    • Used (2) $1/2 Bic stationary coupons.
    • Final Price: $.25 after price match and coupons
  • Price matched the pencils at the Staples sale price of $.50. Bought four 5 packs of mechanical pencils.
    • Used (2) $1/2 Bic stationary coupons
    • Final price: FREE after price match and coupons
Oh yeah! The original cost of everything would have been about $14.00 without the price matching and the coupons. Hubby figured that I saved about 90% yesterday. He also said that I was spending money on pencils when we didn't need them. Well, I didn't spend any money on the pencils (except tax) and the guys ended up using the pencils for a new form of boffer fighting they are creating. (Never know when you're going to need a pencil.)

Update on Miss Bug: she's now starting to say very simple words and get on all fours and rock back and forth. I was woken up to her looking at me from her crib, saying "Ma ma ma." Very pleasant way to wake up this morning.

According to Hubby, she's saying "Ba ba ba ba" and "Fa fa fa fa." She says "Ba ba ba" when she sees a bottle getting ready. She freaked out on Uncle Fatty when he didn't get the bottle to her fast enough, but the point is she knows what a bottle is. LOL

I can't believe Miss Bug is going to be six months old very very soon. Where has that time gone, other than flying by?