Monday, July 30, 2012



Yeah, I am really starting to like coupons. Like really starting to like them. My house is in trouble if I manage to figure out the extreme couponing stuff.

Anyway. In my local paper this week, there was a P&G coupon insert. Apparently, these come out maybe once or twice a month. We use P&G products in my house on a regular basis, so these coupons were a must for me to get.

There were so many other coupons from Red Plum and Unilever (again, another company that gets used in my house on a regular basis).

Oh, I was so exited when I saw all of the inserts when I got home and opened up the paper. I actually didn't play any World of Warcraft tonight like I usually do because I couldn't wait to get into my coupon inserts. (Baby Bug was already in bed when I got home.)

Now, from what I understand about couponing is: use them when the items you need are on sale. That's why many extreme couponers spend hours upon hours looking at deals, price matching and doing match ups to get the most for their money. I do a lot of my shopping at Walmart. It's the only super shopping center in town, and I'm pretty much there all the time because I work there. (Still don't have my associate discount card yet, but it's coming!)

Fortunately, Walmart does price matching, as they call it Ad Matching. What helps me with doing this is the fact that the county that I live in sends out a community shopper newspaper in the mail EVERY Wednesday. In that newspaper, the community gets ads for Piggly Wiggly, Warehouse Discount Grocery (WDG), S&S Foods, and Food World. (There's another grocery store in town, but I never see an ad for them in the shopper.)

I remember one week, I had coupons for Hot Pockets. The coupon was for $.95 off any two. One of the grocery stores in town (I don't remember which one) had them on sale for 2 for $4. Walmart sells a box of two Hot Pockets for $2.18 each. Well, Ad Matching saved me $.36 on two boxes plus the coupon brought the total for 2 boxes to $3.05. That's a total savings of $1.31 on 2 boxes of Hot Pockets. That's $1.31 that I was able to use towards the rest of my shopping list! (EPIC!!)

The weeks that I do my grocery shopping I live for my community shopper. I need to remember to look at my favorite websites:

to help me find the best deals and match ups and check grocery store ads that I don't get in my community shopper. I don't get ads for stores like Publix and Kroger because we don't have either one in the county. (Sucks because I LOVE Publix. Growing up in South Florida instilled that in me.)

Walmart also does price matching with some of the drug stores, like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. (Other ads I need to look at because sometimes they have good deals on things!)

I need to find myself a shopping list that will help me get what I need. I want to be able to edit it so I can add the prices that I already have from previous purchases and match it up with price matching deals and coupons.

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